Shockwave Therapy


Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive procedure that uses the energy of sound waves to treat injuries that require tissue healing and recovery.
Common musculoskeletal conditions include tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and muscle damage. They affect the body’s movement because of damage to:
• Tendons
• Nerves
• Ligaments
• Blood vessels
• Discs
• Or more

Shockwave Therapy

The shockwave therapy machine offers multi-purpose functions. It can be used for physiotherapy, sports injuries, orthopedics, and urology.

The Shockwave Therapy treatment has been reported to offer relief from chronic pain and accelerate the body’s healing process. It works by activating the body’s healing process, encouraging tissue growth and regeneration, and providing pain relief at the same time.


Shockwave therapy technology involves using high-energy acoustic waves to treat painful injuries in the body’s tendons and ligaments. The energy waves are administered in pulses and directly affect the connective tissues in the injured spot.

There are two kinds of shockwaves that can be produced with Shockwave Therapy:

Radial – High-pressure waves that move in an outward direction

Focused – centered on a specific point but has more energy.

It is believed that focused sound waves are better at penetrating deeper areas and older injuries.

The energy waves trigger the cells responsible for healing to improve blood circulation and push the body’s connective tissues towards regeneration. The shockwave technology can help cure injuries that the body cannot heal on its own.

The treatment will start with an in-depth consultation. Your medical history will be recorded, and the damaged nerves or ligaments examined. A personalised plan for your treatment will be formulated, keeping your pain and comfort level at the forefront.

Once your injury and trigger points have been determined, we will move forward with your shockwave therapy sessions.


The Procedure…

A gel is applied to the painful spots that willShockwave Therapy increase the effectiveness of the energy pulses. The appropriate applicator will be selected and inserted into the device. The high-energy waves will then be administered to the area to treat the damaged connective tissue.

The pressure and the frequency of the energy waves are adjusted to your comfort and tolerance level. The mechanical pulses penetrate the skin and tissue and improve the blood flow. That results in increased blood circulation that can accelerate the healing process.

Shockwave Therapy works by:

  • Desensitising the nerve endings to give immediate pain relief.
  • Increasing the blood flow and metabolism in the affected area because of the controlled energy pulses, thus activating the body’s healing response.

The simultaneous stimulation of the pain sensors and the direct transfer of the kinetic energy into the tissue through the transmitter can relieve pain and boost healing.

You may need 3 to 5 sessions a week apart for maximum effect. Shockwave therapy is usually combined with other doctor-recommended physiological and nutrition programs to compliment your recovery.

We recommend Shockwave Therapy as an alternate treatment for people experiencing chronic pain from musculoskeletal conditions for a minimum of three months or more.


  1. Tendon related pain

There are two types of tendon injuries:

tendinitis, where there is inflammation of the tendon.

tendinosis, where the tissue around the area is damaged.

Tendon conditions happen because of natural wear and tear, age, or repetitive strain to the affected area.

Areas that have been weakened due to an injury or repetitive strain are more prone to tendon conditions. The pain increases with time, along with stiffness and reduced mobility. Common tendon related injuries include:

  • Achilles heel
  • Hamstring tears
  • Knee tendinitis like jumper’s knee
  • Tennis elbow
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Rotator cuff tears

The controlled acoustic sound waves from the shockwave device transmit controlled pulses that provide short-term trauma to the damaged tissues around the tendons. It triggers a response in the injured area that jolts them into repairing and regenerating.

There has been a recorded improvement in pain and healing for people using Shockwave Therapy as an alternate rehabilitative treatment for their tendon-related injuries and disorders.

  1. Muscle damage or injuries

Muscle injuries are caused by bruising or spraining.  The ensuing pain from muscle injuries limits functionality and mobility. It can cause muscle tightening and spasms as well. It can be devastating for athletes or people who depend on their bodies ‘ performance in their occupations.

Shockwave therapy can treat muscle trigger points to improve blood circulation and mobility. It can also heal muscle tissue around the injured area to reduce chronic pain. The mechanical energy pulses from the shockwave applicator encourage rehabilitation and restoration. They can also restore movement to patients with muscle hypertonia and fibers.

  1. Bone or orthopedic pain

Shockwave therapy has been seen to help with various orthopedic-related problems like osteoporosis of the hip, back, joint, and knee pain. It also treats shin splints and stress fractures.

The high-powered energy emitted from the shockwave device can accelerate healing by stimulating a metabolic reaction in the injured area. The increase in blood flow reduces pain and allows the patient increased mobility that would not have been possible before treatment.

  1. Ligaments and connective tissue

The non-electrical shock waves emitted from the extracorporeal shockwave device break down scar tissue that builds up over time. The fibrous scar tissue is non-elastic and limits normal movement and functionality. Therefore, it weakens the tissue surrounding it, resulting in persistent pain and further damage to the tissue.

Shockwave therapy also helps with trigger finger and plantar fasciitis. It reduces inflammation by triggering small amounts of stress to the damaged tissue to encourage the body to respond and heal naturally.

  1. Calcifications


The build-up of calcium in the body tissue, muscle fibers, and tendons can lead to extreme discomfort and pain. Calcifications are a natural process of the body to fight against inflammation. But the calcium deposits in muscles and tendons restrict mobility and cause pain and stiffness.

The Shockwave Therapy has been seen to relieve calcium deposits in painful joint tissue and muscles. The targeted pulses from the Shockwave device helps break down the calcium to improve blood circulation. It restores mobility and alleviates stiffness and pain.


There has been a substantial amount of research and studies conducted on the benefits of the shockwave therapy waves for the treatment of chronic pain and inflammation, and injuries. The evidence obtained from this research shows a significant improvement in the pain and healing of the patients administered with the high-energy waves.

Some of the benefits of Shockwave Therapy include:

  • Treatment of chronic pain for people with musculoskeletal conditions like Achilles heel, hamstring tears, tennis elbow, and more
  • Reduction of inflammation from older injuries or those that haven’t healed properly
  • Improvement in blood circulation, which aids the body’s ability to fight pain and injuries
  • The extracorporeal sound waves connect with the damaged tissues and nerves to stimulate healing and the formation of new blood cells
  • Stimulating the production of collagen in the body that in turn activates your body’s innate healing abilities
  • Targeted pressure waves from Shockwave Therapy help release calcium build-ups in the body. It is the leading cause of frozen shoulder and rotator cuff pain. The high-energy pulses can help break down the calcium to provide immediate relief and increased mobility in the injured area.
  • Shockwave Therapy has also been seen as an effective treatment against Myofascial Syndrome. It helps loosen muscle fibers that have tightened to a painful level because of repetitive strain and overuse

Does Shockwave Therapy work?

There have been significant reports of improvement in chronic pain and injuries with the Shockwave Therapy Treatment. Especially for plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff, frozen shoulder, and more. It has been seen to improve functionality and mobility for people who haven’t responded to any of the traditional forms of treatment for musculoskeletal injuries. There is also a noticeable pain reduction after the first or second treatment depending on the patient’s response rate.

Is Shockwave Therapy Safe?

Yes, Shockwave Therapy is safe. It is a non-invasive procedure that does not use anesthesia and medications. There are also no reported aftereffects. There is no downtime after the procedure and no long-winded preps and precautionary measures.

Is it Insured?

Shockwave Therapy is an alternative treatment for rehabilitation and pain relief. It is covered by most private insurance companies. But it is always better to check your coverage policy and confirm with your insurance company first.


How much does Shockwave Therapy cost?

Shockwave Therapy is a cost-effective procedure. Its pricing starts from only £120 for three treatments.

How long will the treatment take to work?

Each session takes about 8 to 10 minutes. It is done in outpatient clinics, and you can leave as soon as you are finished. The treatment consists of at least a minimum of 3 to 5 sessions. Your therapist is the best person to advise you on the number of sessions you might need based on your improvement and recovery level.

Who is eligible for Shockwave Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is suitable for people who have been experiencing chronic tendinopathy pain for six weeks or more.

You cannot get Shockwave therapy if you are under 18 or pregnant.  People with medical conditions like cancer, infections, or those using blood-thinning medications are not eligible either. It will impediment your body’s regenerative process. Bone tumors, metabolic bone conditions, open wounds, and blood circulatory disorders also remove you from the applicable candidates’ list.

Is it Painful?

No, it is not painful. Most patients have reported no pain, only a bit of discomfort as the Shockwave machine device administers the energy pulses to the area being treated.

Do you need to take medications with it?

There is no need to take mediations with Shockwave Therapy. It is recommended that you do not use any inflammatory medications during treatment. It interrupts the natural healing process activated by the shockwave energy pulses.

Your therapist may recommend prescription-free pain killers if you feel the need.

Will your routine be disrupted with ESWT?

There is no need to make any special arrangements or take time off from work. Each session takes only 10 minutes. There are no special instructions, only to avoid strenuous physical activity for a day or two. You can continue with your normal routine, even your regular workout after that.

An active routine or exercise will help you regain mobility faster and help with healing.

Each patient’s aftercare may differ slightly, and your therapist is the best person to advise you on it.

When should you consider Shockwave Therapy?

You should consider Shockwave Therapy if you have been experiencing pain and discomfort in the same spot for more than six months. And there has been no improvement from medications and other treatments.

Tendon and muscle-reacted injuries tend to grow worse with time because you can’t help but put weight or strain on your tendons and muscles.

Therefore, every time you put your feet on the floor, the tissue and the nerves will get more damaged, and your pain worsens. The same goes for frozen shoulder or knee and elbow problems. Delaying is the worst thing you can do to yourself in such situations.

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy gives you the chance to regain functionality and mobility in several cost-effective sessions. And all of it is done without surgery and aggressive medications.

Shockwave Therapy is coming forward as the best alternative treatment for:

Musculoskeletal conditions

Orthopedic problems

It has had a more than 80% success rate in providing pain relief. The damaged tissues and muscle fibers continue to regenerate even after the treatment has ended. The technology and science of Shockwave technology allow it to work in tandem with the body’s regenerative process to accelerate healing from the inside.

The previously damaged tendons and the tissues around them get a boost from the radial or focused waves to:

  • Improve blood flow
  • Stimulate collagen
  • Break down calcium build-up
  • Loosen painful muscle and identify trigger points
  • Treat chronic inflammation
  • Decrease pain by releasing substance P from the nerve endings

Regain your mobility and functionality with the new shockwave pulse technology. You now have a chance to get rid of the debilitating pain that comes with tendon and muscle injuries. If you’ve given up on activities you love or sports you excelled at, ESWC can allow you to live a life that is not defined by pain.

Improve not only your pain and inflammation but take the first step towards healing and maintaining the quality of life you deserve. Shockwave Therapy is the only treatment clinically proven to reduce pain, repair, and regenerate cells to accelerate healing.

Book a consultation for more details on our Shockwave Therapy and Cryotherapy procedures.