How To Stop Urinary Incontinence?

What Is Bladder Weakness? 

Urinary incontinence or bladder weakness (resulting in the loss of bladder control) is a common problem that is defined as leakage of urine due to weak bladder control. It results in a woman urinating when she does not want to – I.e. involuntary urination. It can be an embarrassing condition but don’t worry, help is available. It doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of aging. If urinary incontinence is affecting your quality of life and day to day activities, keep reading! 

Female urinary incontinence

“It doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of aging”

What Causes Urinary Incontinence? 

Bladder weakness usually begins to happen in women following pregnancy and childbirth, which causes changes in muscles and support structures of the pelvic floor. But it can also be caused by an infection, diabetes or a neurological disorder. 

How Many Women In The UK Are Affected By Bladder Weakness? 

Around 3 to 6 million women in the UK suffer from urinary incontinence to some degree. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Bladder Weakness? 

There can be many instances when women who suffer from this condition urinate without wanting to, including: 

  • When laughing 
  • Coughing 
  • Sneezing 
  • Exercising 
  • Heavy lifting 
  • If someone or something takes you by surprise 
  • Getting up from a seated position 
  • A sudden urge to urinate and you can’t make it to the toilet in time
  • Frequent urge to urination throughout the night.

“Getting up from a seated position can make you urinate without warning”

What Are The Different Types Of Urinary Incontinence? 

So we’ve covered a few of the different symptoms are might show that you’re experiencing urinary incontinence. Here are the main categories of urinary incontinence: 

Stress incontinence – this is not incontinence when you are feeling stress but when there are different physical stressors which exert pressure on your bladder e.g. sneezing, coughing, laughing, heavy lifting, exercise 

Urge incontinence – this is when you have a sudden urge to urinate, followed by loss of bladder control causing involuntary urination. If you wake up during the night quite frequently with the urge to urinate, you may be experiencing symptoms to urge incontinence. This type of incontinence usually results in the need to urinate more frequently. 

Mixed incontinence – this is typically a combination of stress and urge incontinence. 

Overflow incontinence – this is when your bladder doesn’t empty completely when you pass urine, causing you to wet yourself or dribble frequently or even constantly. This can be due to a weak bladder muscle or blockage. The person may not feel the urge to urinate. 

Functional incontinence – this type of incontinence is usually due to another type of physical or mental disability which makes it difficult to make it to the toilet in time. For example: 

  • An arthritis sufferer who cannot unbutton their clothing in time 
  • A physical disability which makes it difficult to access to public toilet due to lack of accessibility facilities 
  • Women who can’t recognise the need to go to the toilet.

How Can I Stop Bladder Weakness? 

A temporary solution would be to wear pads until a you can seek treatment. Depending on the underlying cause, 4D HIFU is the most powerful non-invasive, non-surgical treatment which can help to restore your confidence and reduce or eliminate urinary incontinence problems. This is a lifting and tightening procedure so also has many other benefits in addition to improved bladder control, including: 

  • Increased vaginal moisture 
  • Improved tone and elasticity of the vagina and improvement of vaginal muscle strength and reduction of vaginal looseness 
  • Increased sensation and vaginal sensitivity during sexual intercourse 
  • Improvement of the health and vitality of the vagina 

HIFU stands for high intensity focused ultrasound, and works by gentle heating which promotes the production of collagen (improving vaginal elasticity) which reaches deeper than laser can, deep into the SMAS skin layer. This makes 4D HIFU the most effective solution on the market, using the latest revolutionary technology.  

Is HIFU Vaginal Tightening Treatment Safe And Long Lasting – How Soon Should I See Results? 

With over 50 years of proven usage in the field of medicine, HIFU is considered safe to use and provide treatment with. After just a few short sessions, many of our clients have reported improved bladder control within a day or so following treatment.

Treatment is pain-free and results last around for 1-2 years. Treatment time is 30 minutes, 1-3 treatments may be necessary depending on the severity of issue, at 12 weekly intervals. Improvement can be felt within days and develop over the weeks that follow. Maximum benefit is usually noticed at around 5-6 weeks, but can improve for up to 6 months. Each client is different so a treatment plan will be tailored to you. 

vaginal rejuvenation 5 reasons cryotherapy barnsley

Here’s some of our recent happy customer testimonials: 

“Just done my first 10k run post treatment. Wow! Totally dry. Thanks so much x” 

Louise from Kexborough

“I can hold myself better. Sex is a little better.” 

Stacey from Staincross 

“Hi Jo, all I can say is wow! Noticed a difference last week and it’s just got better and better. No trickles and no sneezing leakage. Really happy, really pleased”. 

Sheena from Goldthorpe
Vaginal rejuvenation

How Do I Book My Treatment? 

Visit our Female Rejuvenation page and send us your details and we’ll be in touch ASAP to book your first appointment.

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